
ProBerco is dedicated to advocating for the rights and needs of adults with disabilities and their families. We want to ensure that their voices are heard and that their rights are protected. Our advocacy efforts focus on promoting accessibility, inclusion, and equal opportunities in all aspects of life, including employment, vocational training, healthcare, residential housing, and community participation. By collaborating with policymakers, community leaders, and other stakeholders, we strive to create a more inclusive society where individuals with disabilities can thrive. Join us in championing the cause and making a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve.

Save Medicaid!

The following article was prepared and published by ANCOR (American Network of Community Options and Resources)

Cuts to Medicaid Harm Disability Services Medicaid is the primary payer of long-term services and supports for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Disability services, including home and community-based services, help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to live full and independent lives in their communities. These person-centered supports may assist with activities of daily living, meal preparation, medication management, and employment support among many other crucial and life-saving services.

Medicaid operates as a partnership between states and the federal government to fund certain health care services. States determine the scope and payment for services to be provided for beneficiaries and the federal government provides matching funds at a predetermined rate. This combined funding is then used to pay community providers for the services they deliver to people with I/DD.

Federal Medicaid cuts shift costs to states and harm disability services.

Proposals to limit federal funding, including block grants and per capita caps, seek to limit Medicaid funding based on the number of individuals enrolled. These strategies shift the full fiscal burden to states when beneficiary needs exceed the federal contribution. Because this type of block grant or cap provides only a fixed amount of funding for states, rather than ensuring states receive a matching share of the total need, this leaves states exclusively responsible for funding all remaining costs.

Reductions in federal Medicaid funding harm state budgets. When federal Medicaid funding is reduced, states must find new funding to balance the shortfall in state budgets. While reductions may not specifically target funding for I/DD services, the resulting pressure on state budgets creates an elevated risk of further limits and cuts to services for individuals with I/DD. When new funding sources cannot be found, optional services like community-based services for people with I/DD are at risk of being cut. Without community-based services, people with disabilities remain on long state waitlists for services and may be forced to resort to unnecessary placement in expensive hospitals and institutions.

In order to preserve disability services, we must invest in—not divest from—the Medicaid program. Disruptions to disability services, whether through cuts to Medicaid, introducing new administrative burdens, or making benefits more difficult to access, will force individuals out of community-based settings and into more expensive hospital and institutional services. 

Congress must preserve Medicaid and ensure people with I/DD have access to community-based services.

For more information, contact Elise Aguilar, Senior Director of Federal Relations, at


Email your congressmen using the ANCOR Advocacy resources at  Preserve I/DD Services—Tell Congress Protect Medicaid! | ANCOR

PAR (Pennsylvania Advocacy and Resources
for Autism and Intellectual Disability)

PAR (Pennsylvania Advocacy and Resources for Autism and Intellectual Disability) proudly represents provider organizations whose mission is to serve and support Pennsylvania’s children and adults with autism or intellectual disability. 2020 will mark our 50th year as the only statewide provider association in the Commonwealth with this exclusive focus.

PAR Members provide the full range of support and services for individuals with Autism and Intellectual Disability in Pennsylvania. With a workforce of over 50,000 Pennsylvanians supporting tens of thousands of individuals and their families, the association promotes the highest standards of service through advocacy, information, training and education, and the resources provided by our members.

You can help to increase awareness about the importance of this industry by contacting your legislature and government officials. Visit  to stay current on issues and to provide you with the necessary talking points, tool kits and materials to be an advocate.

14(c) Programs

Many policy makers want to eliminate 14(c) programs, which is a special licensed that allows providers like ProBerco to pay consumers subminimum wage while enrolled in a licensed vocational training program. 

Bob Casey proposed Transformation to Competitive Integrated Employment Act to phase out sub-minimum wage for people with disabilities.

Many adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities will be displaced from work if this bill is passed.  To be clear, ProBerco fully supports the individual’s right to realize their full potential and to seek competitive employment. In fact, ProBerco embraces the Employment First initiative and has an Employment program to assist individuals in obtaining and maintaining gainful employment in the community. However, it is unrealistic to assume that all individuals with disabilities are the same and need the same type of support; not everyone will be successful in obtaining competitive employment. 14(c) programs offer individuals an alternative for meaningful work in an environment that supports them.  It is our position that it should be the person’s right to choose the employment program that matches their ability and fosters an environment for growth and development. By eliminating 14(c) programs, people with disabilities will no longer have the right to choose a program that supports them in being employed.  Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities should have the right to choose a workplace that provides them with a safe environment and the accommodations they need to be successful.

Let’s unpack the myths of 14(c) programs; for example,  did you know that individuals can earn above minimum wage and work in community settings?

Information provided by Coalition for the Preservation of Employment Choice

Learn more about Senator Bob Casey’s TCIEA proposal here

Vocational Program

Vocational Program is looking to connect businesses with talent based on the unique needs of the company and the worker(s) with a disability. Our program provides reliable, effective, and timely services whereby Vocational staff train and support workers on-site at the job.

Requirements include:

  • Minimum wage paid of $7.25
  • Only 3 to 5 production workers at the site
  • We are also interested in training production workers to become an employee of an off-site business. We can provide the training but ultimately the individual would become an employee.
  • We will also consider volunteer opportunities for the production workers to get out in the community and for obtaining additional job skills.

Community Participation Supports Program

We are looking for more outside connections to fulfill life skill opportunities which would need to be during the week from approximately 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and within ½ hour distance of our facility.

Opportunities are geared toward relationship building with community members and in giving back to the community. Program participants have been active with Meals on Wheels, shopping for senior citizens with Berks Encore, working on activities at local churches, visiting senior centers, stocking shelves at ReStore etc.


Empowering People.
Transforming Communities.

Join ProBerco in its mission to provide meaningful support for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities living and working in Berks County.
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